Meredith Reynolds - Head Start College Blog

CSU Shortens Application Period to Cut 10,000 students

Though most seniors are happily celebrating the submission of that “last” application…if any out there are still considering adding a Cal State to your list …new as of this week you will need to get it in by Feb 1 for most Cal State Campuses…for individual campus information check
In an article found in yesterday’s Sacramento Bee:
In anticipation of drastic budget cuts next year, the California State University system wants to save money by shedding 10,000 students and laying off the non-tenured staff it would take to teach them. To reduce enrollment, it announced early this week that the application period for high school seniors and other first-time freshmen is shortening by about six months – from mid-August to Feb. 1. Late Wednesday, CSU announced it would extend the application deadline to March 1 for seven under-enrolled campuses, including Sacramento State.
This policy decision by CSU will push these students to the already crowded community college system making it even more difficult to get the classes to carry a full load of 15 units.

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Perhaps most important for the entire family, the Head Start College program paces students to complete their applications by Thanksgiving.


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