Meredith Reynolds - Head Start College Blog

Archive for June, 2013

“Who Gets Admitted to College?”
June 20th, 2013,0,3023260.story

Oxford’s criteria is very distinct from most American universities. Which students will be most successful in their area of study. They don’t care if the student plays the violin or was the star basketball player. We all know brilliant students that this might be the perfect criteria for them. Thinking more broadly, this article’s discussion highlights an important aspect of the application process: KNOW the criteria of the schools where you are applying. All colleges and universities publish their Admission Criteria (which we applicants typically look only at the GPA and SAT…check out other factors considered and how much they are considered). But MORE important, look to each school’s Mission/Vision statements. If you reflect their Mission you will have a much greated chance of acceptance.

Takes an Army to Score the AP’s
June 2nd, 2013

And so it begins… Over the next 2 wks, >11,000 college faculty and AP teachers from the U.S. and abroad will convene to score AP exams.

Perhaps most important for the entire family, the Head Start College program paces students to complete their applications by Thanksgiving.


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