College Counseling for Students 8th to 10th Grade

An organized, proven Self-Search Strategy producing a polished application that stands out in a field of thousands.

  • Organized:  To Do Lists for Middle School, Freshman and Sophomore years. 
  • Self-Search: Practice recognizing activities and subjects that interest you. Guidance finding  your current and perhaps lifelong passions. Encouragement to explore interests and passions by doing. Learning Assessments designed to identify your individual learning strengths and strategies to use those strengths to bolster success in areas of relative weakness. 
  • Explore College Academic Majors / Minors / Internship opportunities. Learn what each major requires that you take in high school. Learn what your career might look like with each degree. MOST IMPORTANT learn what you can do right now to "test" your interest. No need to wait for expensive college years to explore.   
  • Powerful Application Strategy: With admissions officers spending no more than 10-15 minutes per application,  the success of an application depends upon it presenting a clear and consistent picture of WHO the student is and WHO the student will be in college. My process is derived from strategies for "branding" a product. 
  • PSAT: individualized strategies for test participation and preparation. 
  • Visual / Performing Arts Application support.  HSC guides students to resources that identify programs and classes in preparation for application to college programs. HSC focuses students on portfolio requirements.    
  • College Athlete recruitment guidance. HSC assists student athletes with creation of Athletic Resume, outreach to college coaches and the melding of the college search process with the college sports opportunity search.    
  • Students With Special Needs. With years of experience in the special education field both as a school board member and a special education attorney, I am uniquely qualified to inspire and empower students with special needs to pursue their college dreams.

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