Meredith Reynolds - Head Start College Blog

UC Changes: Ticket on A Flight to Nowhere

The University of California admissions process has rolled out two major changes for this year’s applying seniors both adding only STRESS to the already pressure-cooker process. FIRST, they proudly announce that UC’s will now guarantee to 9% of high school seniors at each high school admission to a UC (up from 4% last year). BUT the only school accepting those students is UC Merced! Those additional 5% would all be accepted at Merced if they applied regularly. Nothing against UC Merced, its a fine school but it like all UC’s does not have every academic major.  Is this a change to help qualified seniors get into a UC or is it a ploy to increase enrollment in UC Merced? You be the judge. NOTE also that this year the most competitive UC’s have all increased their available space for out-of-state students, many by as much as 8%. It does a senior no good to win a ticket on a flight if its not going where he needs to go! SHOULD the student pick the school or UC just slot them into to the flight to nowhere because it has an empty seat. SECOND, UC Board of Regents voted years ago that this year’s seniors would not have to take the Subject Tests. But now they say they will look at them and for competitive engineering programs (every UC that has one is competitive) recommend math and science subject tests. The UC’s didn’t have the backbone to JUST SAY NO to the College Board test machine despite their earlier decision that subject tests unfairly disadvantage certain segments of applicant pool. Money talks more than high school seniors?! 2012 finds UC admissions looking more like “the Great OZ” hiding behind his curtain than a transparent admissions process recognized for non-biased decisions focused on fair review  of the applicants.

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